Welcome to the Underthreaded News Blog

Hello world take two! This is the news blog for Underthreaded. The brand who will help all programmers make a difference to their community and look good at the same time. We’re thrilled to begin our journey here with you today.

Now this blog is different from our tech blog. We won’t be talking endlessly about the fabulous world of tech here (that’s here). We’ll be a little more product specific, and will talk about how we do things, why we do it and who we do it for.

Don’t run for the hills fellow techies! This won’t be one of those ad riddles sites which only serve to warm the phone in your hand. We know the state the internet has devolved to, and we want to do it right. We want to set a new standard for customer experience. Sites riddled with ads, cookies and slow loading web pages should be an outdated blot in internet history.

So what content can you expect from us here?

We’ll be writing about:

  • The impact our donations make.
  • The various offers or promotions we run.
  • Buyer’s advice for non-techy’s looking to buy gifts for their partners.
  • Any other news about the company, new products, new project support, all that fun Jazz.

We also won’t overstuff these blogs with fluff that waste your time. So that’s all for now from us, and catch you in the next one!

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