Welcome to the Underthreaded Tech Blog

Welcome readers! Yes it’s yet another company starting a tech blog. But wait, a clothing company of all things! What are we playing at?

We think this particular clothing company is the perfect company to write and maintain a tech blog worth following. We are building our entire business model around making a positive impact. The impact we think this blog can have is to highlight interesting FOSS projects that may lack the time or resources for extensive marketing. We also love the technical blogging community, and want to highlight the incredibly high quality blog posts and articles people are writing in hopes that we can expand their reach too. This is all in the context of running a “non-tech” company, but with the technical knowledge to make full use of the extraordinary ecosystem of free and open source software out there.

The actual content we want to be writing here is purely technical or closely related. We have a separate blog also hosted on this site. That one will contain articles we want or need to write which don’t fit content wise for a tech blog. Still potentially worth following, if you’re interested more specifically in us, for any reason (such as your own innate excellence). But you can subscribe (woo RSS/Atom) to this one with confidence that you won’t get your feed cluttered with irrelevant posts.

As a software engineer who recognises the true potential of software when fully understood and leveraged, I hope this blog will serve as a space to document our learnings as we navigate the running of a traditionally non-technical business. There will undoubtedly be hard lessons along the way, but hopefully they’ll be of interest to like-minded individuals.

The best thing about this is that we can happily assign budget to doing these things because of how we define our company. Under our definition of what this company is - high quality software blogs are just something we try to do and promote. If done well, we hope for it to be a benefit to the communities we want to build and join.

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